Andrew Lawrence-King, The Harp Consort
& Il Corago: 2014 report

Looking Bach on 2014
Events marked CHE are linked to Andrew Lawrence-King's investigations into Early Opera, Historical Action, and Music & Consciousness as Senior Visiting Research Fellow for the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions (CHE).

23rd January 2014
Kotka Konserttitalo
24th January 2014
Kuusankoski Talo
Johann Sebastian Bach The Six Brandenburg Concertos
Kymi Sinfonietta
Raymond Cox - violin, violino piccolo, viola
Andrew Lawrence-King - harpsichord, director
These concerts marked the culmination of a six-year project performing each Brandenburg concerto in period context, with accompanying lectures. They also formed part of the celebrations of the orchestra's 15-year anniversary.
23rd & 24th January Pre-concert lectures:
The Harmony of the World
Prof Dr Andrew Lawrence-King
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions

Brandenburg Concertos Title Page

Christian Ludwig Markgraf von Brandenburg

Erickson on Bach

Brandenburg Concertos Title Page

27th February 2014
School of European Swordsmanship, Helsinki
More about the School of European Swordsmanship, here
Studying with Guy Windsor
Italian 17th-century Rapier & 'The Zone'

1st & 2nd February 2014
Theatre Natalya Satz, Moscow
Emilio de' Cavalieri Anima e Corpo (1600)
Игра о Душе и Теле
This prize-winning production continues in its third season. By the end of 2014, we had clocked up 39 performances. But as the year began, our efforts were focussed on incorporating the Theatre's brand-new Chorus into the production.

23rd February 2014
School of European Swordsmanship, Helsinki
Seminar with Guy Windsor:
Italian 17th-century Rapier - Giganti Libro II

26th February 2014
Orpheus Research Centre in Music, Ghent
CHE Conference Presentation
Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Beyond Control in Baroque Opera
Andrew Lawrence-King
Australian Centre for the History of Emotions
The complete text will be published on Andrew's blog, here, soon.

28th February 2014
1st March 2014
2nd March 2014
Disney Centre, Los Angeles
Folias Criollas with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Spanish Baroque harp

9th March 2014
Yale Centre for British Art
David & the Dragon Harp: Music of the Welsh Baroque Bards
Andrew Lawrence-King - Baroque triple harp
CHE Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
The Triple or Modern Welsh Harp here

22nd & 23rd March 2014
Theatre Natalya Satz, Moscow
Emilio de' Cavalieri Anima e Corpo (1600)
Игра о Душе и Теле
Director of Music - Andrew Lawrence-King
Producer - Georgy Isaakian

29th March 2014
Zamora Festival of Early Music
Folias & Canarios with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King Spanish Baroque harp
29th March 2014
Seville Festival of Early Music FEMAS
Folias & Canarios with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King Spanish Baroque harp

5th-9th April 2014
Edinburgh International Harp Festival
6th April
Chorégraphie with The Harp Consort
Karen Modigh - Dancer
Andrew Lawrence-King Baroque triple harp
5th-9th April 2014 Master-Classes with ALK:
CHE Playford's Country Dances:
Celtic Choreography meets European Elegance
CHE The Noble Art of French Dance
7th April 2014 Public Workshop with KM & ALK
CHE Il Corago: Action! Action! Action!

12th April 2014
Herz Jesu Kirche, Buchs (Switzerland)
Mare Nostrum with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Renaissance Harp, Psaltery
Interview & performance for forthcoming film with
Scuola Vivante, Buchs

16th April 2014
Festival Mysteria Paschaliae, Krakow
Erasmus: In Praise of Folly [Stultitiae Laus]
with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Spanish baroque harp, Renaissance Harp, Medieval Harp, Psaltery
Radio broadcast

20th April 2014
Sydney Opera House, Opera Hall
22nd & 23rd April 2014
Melbourne Recital Centre, Elisabeth Murdoch Hall
26th April 2014
Esplanade Hall, Singapore
Jerusalem: City of Two Peaces
with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Medieval Harp, Psaltery
Radio broadcast
CHE Lecture
A Baroque History of Time: Hearts, Stars & the first operas
Prof Dr Andrew Lawrence-King
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions

16th & 17th May 2014
Theatre Natalya Satz, Moscow
Emilio de' Cavalieri Anima e Corpo (1600)
Игра о Душе и Теле
Director of Music - Andrew Lawrence-King
Producer - Georgy Isaakian

23rd-25th May 2014
School of European Swordmanship, Helsinki
CHE Italian 17th-century Rapier
Classes with Guy Windsor
Seminar with Devon Boorman, read more here

1st June 2014
Lutheran Cathedral, Moscow
First ever performance in Russia
CHE Claudio Monteverdi Vespers (1610)
Alta Capella, Moscow directed by Andrew Lawrence-King
CHE Public Lecture:
The Right Time for a New Vision
Prof Dr Andrew Lawrence-King
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
CHE Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
The Right Time for a New Vision: Monteverdi's 1610 Vespers here
CHE New 'synoptic' performing edition
TV interviews
Radio broadcast
CHE Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
Sparrow-flavoured soup, or What is Continuo? here

3rd June 2014
Maguelone Cathedral, France
The Celtic Viol with Jordi Savall & Frank McGuire
Andrew Lawrence-King baroque Irish harp, psaltery
CHE Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
The Researcher's Otherworld: A dream of the ancient Irish harp
[This is a light-hearted introduction to a multi-authored formal article on the early history of the Irish harp, to be published in 2015.]

10th-12th June 2014
University of Western Australia, Perth
Travel funded by CHE Conference presentation:
Inexplicable Dumb Shows and Noise: Languages of Emotion in Early Opera
Andrew Lawrence-King
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
CHE To Sing or not to Sing: Samuel Pepys' Songbooks
Andrew Lawrence-King and Stephen Grant investigate music collected by the famous diarist, including a setting of the famous soliloquoy from Hamlet 'To be or not to be' for recording in 2015.

30th June 2014
Styriarte Festival, Graz
Celtic Landscapes with Jordi Savall & Tristan Rosenstock
Andrew Lawrence-King baroque Irish harp, psaltery
Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
2nd July 2014
International Harp Festival, Carde na Cruite, Termonfeckin
Carolan's Harp
Andrew Lawrence-King baroque Irish harp, psaltery
More about ALK at Termonfeckin here
CHE The good, the bad, and the wildly luxuriant
Historically Informed Harping circa 1700
Prof Dr Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
CHE Articles by Andrew Lawrence-King:
Irish Harp Ornament #1 The Long Shake here
Irish Harp Ornament #2 The Cadential Shake here
Irish Harp Ornament #3 The Triple Shake here

11th July 2014
Old Town Hall, Riga
CHE Mr Priest's Triumphing Dance
Steven Player - baroque guitar, dance
Sinfonietta Riga
Andrew Lawrence-King - director, harp, harpsichord
Radio interview
Radio broadcast
12th July 2014
Rencontres Internationales de Harpe Celtique, Dinan
CHE El Maestro del Norte
140 years of dance-music, tientos & chansons
from Spain, Portugal and South America
Andrew Lawrence-King - Spanish baroque harp
17th July 2014
Festival de Fontfroide, Narbonne
Music for El Greco with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Psaltery, Renaissance harp,
Spanish baroque harp
TV & Radio broadcasts
CD forthcoming
18th July 2014
CMPCP Performance Studies Network 3rd International Conference, Cambridge University
CHE Conference Presentation
A seicento sense of Humour: wine, women & song in Landi's 'La Morte d'Orfeo' (1619)
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
CHE This event was the third and final conference of the UK Arts & Humanties Research Council's Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice, at Cambridge University. ALK presented on CHE topics at all three conferences: Monteverdi's Orfeo in 2011, Monteverdi Combattimento in 2013, Landi's La Morte d'Orfeo in 2014 (more on Landi at the top of this page).
CHE Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
Flow 2014: The Cambridge Talks here
23rd-25th July 2014
The World Harp Congress, Sydney
Travel and harp transport funded by CHE
23rd July 2014
World Harp Congress, Sydney
CHE Panel Discussion Shaping the Modern: What is the Meaning of Historically Informed Performance
with Judy Kadar, Alex Cronin, Maria Cleary, Ann Heymann
chaired by Andrew Lawrence-King
[Please note that the actual discussion led spontaneously in other directions]
24th July 2014
City Recital Hall, Sydney
PHILIPPA MADDERN Founding Director of CHE
& PAT O'BRIEN Lute-guru & Founder Member of THC
Read about Philippa Maddern here
CHE El Maestro del Norte
140 years of dance-music, chansons & tientos
from Spain, Portugal & South America
The World Harp Consort
Andrew Lawrence-King - director, Spanish baroque harp
25th July 2014
World Harp Congress, Sydney
CHE Public Lecture
How did it feel? A history of Heaven, Harps & Hearts
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
Article by Andrew Lawrence-King
How did it feel? A history of Heaven, Harps & Hearts here
28th July 2014
World Harp Congress, Sydney Conservatorium of Music
CHE Workshop The Good, the Bad & The Dissonant
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
Xacaras from Luz y norte
29th July 2014
Sydney University
Travel funded by CHE
CHE Research Approaches & History of Performance
Study day with Una McIlvenna, Mary Luckhurst, Laura Ginters, Glen McGillivray, Penelope Woods, Bridget Escolme, Alan Maddox, Andrew Lawrence-King and others.
30th & 31st July 2014
Melbourne Early Music Studio
Travel funded by CHE
CHE To Sing or not to Sing: Samuel Pepys Songbooks
Planning, research & study with Stephen Grant & Andrew Lawrence-King
1st August 2014
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Travel funded by CHE
CHE Text, Rhythm, Action! New priorities for 17th-ccentury music-drama
Workshop with Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions.
4th August 2014
Le Pont Chaumes, Switzerland
Celtic Viol with Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King, baroque Irish harp, psaltery
13th-15th August 2014
Kilkenny Music School, Kilkenny
Scoil na gCláirseach
The summer school of the Historical Harp Society of Ireland
13th August 2014
Irish Images, Highland Humours
Andrew Lawrence-King, baroque Irish harp, psaltery
14th August 2014
CHE Humouring the Harp: Where are the Emotions circa 1700?
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
More about ALK at Scoil 2014 here
Classes & Master-classes
CHE Articles by Andrew Lawrence-King:
Regina Cithararum: The Cloyne, or Dalway harp here
16th August 2014
Monasterio de Poblet, Catalunya
Music for El Greco with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Spanish baroque harp, renaissance harp, psaltery
Radio broadcast
18th-20th August 2014
Early Music Festival of the Pyrenees FEMAP
18th August 2014
19th August 2014
El Seu d'Urgell Cathedral
20th August 2014
Celtic Viol with Jordi Savall & Frank McGuire
Andrew Lawrence-King - Irish baroque harp, psaltery
25th August 2014
Abbaye de St Georges, St Martin de Boscherville
Celtic Viol with Jordi Savall & Frank McGuire
Andrew Lawrence-King - Irish baroque harp, psaltery
26th August 2014
Eglise de Maroeuil, Arras
Celtic Viol with Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Irish baroque harp, psaltery
5th September 2014
MIMO Festival
Egreja da Sé, Olinda, Brazil
Il dialogo de las almas with Jordi Savall & Enrique Solinis
Andrew Lawrence-King - Spanish baroque harp, psaltery
Concert relayed live on screen to the square outside
20th September 2014
Birkbeck College, University of London
CHE Advanced Hypnosis CPD Course with Paul Byrne
24th-27th September 2014
Music-Institute for Performance Practice
Kloster Michaelstein, Blankenburg
More about Kloster Michaelstein here
The arpanetta also known as Spitzharfe or Tisch-harfe was a popular domestic instrument in the 17th and 18th centuries, 'the upright piano of the baroque'. More about the arpanetta here.
The Museum at Kloster Michaelstein displays a surviving original arpanetta. As part of the project to provide recorded audio examples for each instrument in the collection, the Michaelstein Music Institute for Performance Studies funded a concert and recording. For these performances, Katerina Antonenko restored, adjusted and restrung the instrument constructed by Roger Rose twenty years ago, a copy of a surviving original in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.
27 September 2014
Wenn das Glücke wetterwendig
Domestic Music from the time of Erlebach, Bach & Telemann
Ensemble Bell' Arte Salzburg directed by Annegret Siedel
Andrew Lawrence-King (baroque harp, arpanetta).
The performance included Erlebach's Ich stehe fest with arpanetta playing continuo and in the opening ritornello; Bach's Aria from the Goldberg Variations (arpanetta solo); and Telemann's cantata Die Liebe with arpanetta continuo.
Philipp Heinrich Erlebach Ich stehe fest
Britta Schwarz - Alto
Ensemble Bell' Arte Salzburg directed by Annegret Siedel
featuring Andrew Lawrence-King - Arpanetta
Arpanetta by Roger Rose, restored by Katerina Antonenko
The recording will be presented in the Museum at Kloster Michaelstein, accompanying the exhibit of a surviving arpanetta.
The recording will also be included on a CD of audio examples of surviving instruments for future release.
29th & 30th September 2014
Sydney University
Travel funded by CHE
The Voice and Histories of Emotion
Read more about the conference here
Conference Presentation
Vox Dicentis, Musica Instrumentalis: Words outwith Song
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
Panel Discussion
To Sing or not to Sing: Questions about Samuel Pepy's Three Songbooks
Chairman Andrew Lawrence-King

2nd-5th October 2014
CHE Research Team-work
To Sing or not to Sing: Samuel Pepys' Songbooks
ALK with Stephen Grant and Sam Cohen
In his 1666 portrait, Samuel Pepys holds a copy of his own composition, Beauty retire. His songbooks, from the 1680s, preserve a later re-writing of the song with a figured bass. They also offer a new setting with guitar accompaniment, by Pepys' household musician, Cesare Morelli.

10th-11th October 2014
Pariser Hoftheater, Wiesbaden
with Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
Friday 10th
CHE Masterclasses with ALK
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: Italian technique & style
Article The Good, the Bad & the Early Music Phrase here
Luz y norte: Spanish technique & style
Workshop on Medieval & early Irish Improvisation
Concert La Cetera d'Or & El Maestro del Norte
Andrew Lawrence-King - Early Harps
Interval Talk by Rainer Thurau
Saturday 11th
CHE Master-Class with ALK
Continuo for Italian early seicento
CHE Master-Class with ALK
Action: more than just Baroque Gesture
More about Historical Action here
CHE Workshop
La Musica hypnotises the Heroes
CHE Article by ALK
La Musica hypnotises the Heroes here
CHE Lecture
Accessing Super-Creativity: May the Flow be with you!
Le Grand Secret: 18th-century technique & style
CHE Article by Andrew Lawrence-King

12th October 2014
Philharmonie Essen
Erasmus: In Praise of Folly
with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King - Spanish baroque harp, renaissance harp, medieval harp psaltery

13th October 2014
Teatr Maly, Tychy
The Celtic Viol with Jordi Savall & Tristan Rosenstock
Andrew Lawrence-King - Irish baroque harp, psaltery

24th October 2014
Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona
CHE Workshop: IBaroque Gesture: What's the Point?
Andrew Lawrence-King - Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
The participants in this Workshop were advanced students (most of them Early Music specialists) and Professorial staff of ESMUC, many of them involved with the School's forthcoming production of Monteverdi's Orfeo directed by Prof Xavier Diaz LaTorre.
Contraposto: stand diagonally on, weight on one foot
Gesture with the Right Hand (hold any music in the left)
Create a mental Vision of the words you are saying
Point at what you 'see' in this Vision
Use specific gestures for particular words
Otherwise use Default Gesture
Allow the affetto of the words to enter your gesture
Root gestures through the body and into the floor
More about Historical Action here

28th October 2014
Auditorio Nacional, Madrid
Music for El Greco with Hesperion XXI directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King, Spanish baroque harp, renaissance harp, medieval harp, psaltery
TV Broadcast
Forthcoming CD

18th October 2014
Royal Danish Conservatory of Music, Denmark
CHE Public Lecture A Baroque History of Time
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
CHE Public Master-Class Where's the Emotion
CHE Articles by ALK:
A Baroque History of Time: Stars, Hearts and Music here
Music expresses Emotions? here
Rhythm: what really counts? here

28th & 29th November 2014
Theatre Natalya Satz, Moscow
CHE Cavalieri Anima e Corpo (1600)
Georgy Isaakian - Stage Director
Andrew Lawrence-King - Director of Music
30th November 2014
Theatre Natalya Satz, Moscow
CHE Workshop He is the Father, we are the Children
J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, W.A. Mozart
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions

4th December 2014
Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London
CHE Research Seminar The Theatre of Dreams: Music & Consciousness; Flow, Hypnotism & The First Operas
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
Flow (Accessing Super-Creativity): Making Connections here
The Theatre of Dreams: La Musica hypnotises the Heroes here
Flow (aka The Zone) is that optimal state of concentration & relaxation
Flow is an Altered State of Consciousness for optimal learning: The Zone is an Altered State of Consciousness for high performance
Flow & The Zone are associated with Time Distortion in Hypnosis.
Dreaming is associated with the REM-state of sleep
About 40,000 years ago, humans evolved to access the REM-state whilst waking, in day-dreams, trance etc
Trance is a naturally-occuring state that we experience every day
Circa 1600, performers moved their audiences' passions by means of what we would now call Hypnotism
Of course, every fine performer enchants their audience...
But ALK's research shows precisely how the magic works
Hypnotism is (usually) a mutual, consensual process
Whilst the audience suspend their disbelief and become entranced, in Flow...
The performer enters a complementary state, The Zone.

5th December 2014
Wigmore Hall, London
Folias Criollas with Hesperion XXI, directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King, Spanish baroque harp

7th December 2014
Folias Criollas with Hesperion XXI, directed by Jordi Savall
Andrew Lawrence-King, Spanish baroque harp

8th December 2014
Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
CHE Seminar & Master-Class Redefining Recitative
Andrew Lawrence-King, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions
More about Redefining Recitative here
CHE Planning for 2015 research project Vada a bordo...canto
with Prof Giulia Nuti (Lugano Conservatorio)

13th December 2014
Georgian Society, Edinburgh
Deo Gracias Anglia: The Trinity Carol Roll
with Alamire directed by David Skinner
Andrew Lawrence-King, Renaissance harp, Early Irish Harp, Psaltery

2015 is now under construction, and 2016 will be coming soon!
In the meantime, you might like to visit Andrew's new website The Flow . Zone here
And we are establishing a new website for