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Click on any category to see alternative shows, or contact us for a program designed to your requirements
Categories THC LaCetra ALKrecital ALKguestDirector IlCorago
Medieval Renaissance&17th Baroque Classical
Hispanic Italian English French German Celtic
Anniversary Opera/Stage Sacred Folk/World New AllShows
Title of Show
Music by:
Duo Beasley/Lawrence-King
Trio with Xavier Diaz Latorre
(theorbo & baroque guitar)
Quartet with Paulina van Laarhoven
(viola da gamba, lirone, guitar)
Other options:
with Early Dance
with violin and/or cornetto
with instrumental ensemble
Prologo: The Lyre of Apollo
Atto Primo (Arcadia): Orpheus & the sun
Atto Secondo (La selva oscura): Bacchus & the dark side
Atto Terzo(Purgatorio): Farewell to Earth
Atto Quarto (Inferno): The lament of Orpheus
Atto Quinto (Paradiso): The triumph of love
Full program note and sample program here
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